What is Oncology Massage?

Oncology massage is an adaptation of massage techniques to safely nurture the body of someone affected by cancer or its treatment.

Why should I request an Oncology trained Specialist?

If you’re in or have a history of cancer treatment, request an oncology massage trained therapist. An Oncology trained therapist has completed comprehensive, specialized training that address the side effects of cancer or its various treatments. Even after people are out of treatment receiving bodywork from an oncology therapist is important due to the potential for late effects treatment.

How is Oncology massage different from traditional massage therapy?

Skilled touch is beneficial at nearly every stage of the cancer experience. Many cancer treatments require long-term massage modifications.

What are some of the benefits that can be anticipated?

Massage and  Cancer Clinical Research shows that massage can improve some cancer treatment side effects such as:

  • Reduce pain and fatigue
  • Decrease anxiety
  • Improve sleep
  • Less nausea
  • Eased isolation
  • Enhanced body image
  • Greater sense of well being