
1. S4OM – Society for Oncology Massage – Not only am I one of two therapists here on Cape Cod who is a member of this organization but it is also very informative for those seeking research related topics as well it will direct you to other specialized Oncology Therapists all around the country.
3. Cape Wellness Collaborative – I am a  trained Oncology practitioner that provides Oncology Massage services. This a non-profit organization whose vision is to make services available to every person in our community facing cancer. CWC helps connect all segments of the population with local practitioners.
 3. Mesothelioma Guide: Oncology Massage I was given permission to add this great link on my website. If you or anyone you know has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer please visit this site for a free guide and more great information.
 4. While your here checking out my website and maybe even thinking about coming to the Cape check out this link for the 100 best things to do in Massachusetts.
There are thousands of research articles on the topic of LED.
PubMed has several abstracts on the benefits of LED and its application for various situations. I wish I could provide them all but there’s is just not enough time and space but I will write some blogs on a couple of the them on my blog page.
Symptomatic Reversal of Peripheral Neuropathy  in diabetic patients