Sometimes people with cancer or cancer history need massage but can’t afford it. They are tapped medical bills or have lost job due medical challenges. Without income or insurance reimbursement, it can be difficult to afford oncology massage.
For these people, I have a “pay it forward ” donations page, the “The Loving Kindness Program.” With this fund supporting massage, we can get massage to people who need it and reduce pain and anxiety, and improve sleep.
Anyone who needs it can use the funds toward their massage session. No questions asked.
By clicking on the “Donate” below, you may add your own loving kindness to this fund, so that you can help comfort and nurture someone who needs a vacation from cancer.
Anyone can contribute.
I don’t receive gratuities in my practice, but you are welcome to add to this pay forward fund.
Thank you so much for your loving kindness!
From the Heart through the Hands